The Fascism Is Knocking Your Door

We are living right now in Europe a change in the political trends that, honestly, worry me -or should I maybe even say, scare me?-. We all talk about candidates that are set on the far right-wing conservative side of the political map in the USA, such as Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, or the famous -and unique- Donald Trump. But Europe is not left behind.  

We are looking right now at the progressive rise of the extreme conservative parties all along the European parliaments, due to events like the economic Recession, the expansion of radical Islamism and other immigration issues. Le Front National -National Front- in France, run by our Trump’s European homonym, Marine Le Pen; the United Kingdom Independence Party -or UKIP- in the USA’s European relative, and even a National Socialist based party, in Greece, called Golden Down, with a huge rise of their votes this several past elections, which gave them 18 seats in the Hellenic hemicycle this past Septemeber, and other parties had appeared this past years.

We are all really worried about ISIS, and the terrorist attacks they have been performing around the world this past two years. I am too. But deciding to support people that, due to their differences with those Islamists, do actually look alike with them, is not the solution. You cannot fight war with war.

Antonios Androutsopoulos, a prominent member of Golden Dawn, was a fugitive from 1998 to 14 September 2005 after being accused of the attempted murder of three left-wing college students, and much more other incidents of this kind. Márton Gyöngyösi, the vice-president of the third party with the biggest representation in the Hungarian Parliament -Jobbik-, proposed the creation of a list of all the citizens that belong to a minority -such as Jewish and Gypsies- to “preserve the security of Hungary and its citizens,” he said, something that sounds pretty similar to the use of the David star by the Nazi’s to distinguish the Jews during WWII.

The global economic Recession of 2008, that started with the bankrupt of the global finance firm Lehman Brothers, affected Europe as bad as it affected the USA -and even harder in countries like Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and ,my homeland, Spain-. The crisis of the Eurozone, and the rise of the Euroscepticism, left an empty space of confused voters, that the Fascist groups discovered how to take advantage of. But, whose is this fault?

These extremist groups, that are just here to blame the problems of our out-of-date and spoiled democracies on Muslims, blacks, homosexuals, socialists and the poor, shouldn’t be able to convince our supposedly well-educated western society -that, now a days, starts to look more like a large, huge ensemble of stupidity, instead of a group of individual contemporary thinkers, that know how to make the best choices for their future-.

I don’t think that Republicans and Democrats are the solution -Le Republicans and PS in France, PP and PSOE in Spain, Conservative Unionist Party and Labour Party in the UK, New Democracy and PSM in Greece, and much others…-, but it seems obvious -maybe, it is just me-, that the National socialism is not the answer. The last time we did choose it, only 70 years ago, we ended up with 73 million deaths, along the 6 longest years of the history of humanity.

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