The Fascism Is Knocking Your Door

We are living right now in Europe a change in the political trends that, honestly, worry me -or should I maybe even say, scare me?-. We all talk about candidates that are set on the far right-wing conservative side of the political map in the USA, such as Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, or the famous -and unique- Donald Trump. But Europe is not left behind.   Continue reading “The Fascism Is Knocking Your Door”

Welcome to the Far West

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

This is what the second amendment of the United States constitution says. So, do you have the right to own a gun? For sure yes, you can, but that is not the question we should ask. Should we have the right to own a gun? Continue reading “Welcome to the Far West”